OFT FAQs (Manx Gas FAQs)


Who are the OFT and what do they do?

The Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is responsible for promoting and protecting consumer interests on the Isle of Man. It ensures that consumers are treated fairly and that businesses operate according to established laws and regulations. This includes areas such as price indication, product safety, consumer credit, consumer contracts, and trade descriptions, alongside more general advice and information for consumers. It also supervises the function of the moneylending activities on the Isle of Man, to protect consumers from unfair practices.


Are they aware of the situation with Manx Gas?

Short Answer: Yes.

Longer Answer: They are more than aware. You can read more about this as a full answer below:

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Is anyone investigating the OFT as to why they haven't taken action yet?

Sadly, we are unaware of anyone that is directly investigating the OFT.

We believe this is the next course of action after Manx Gas have had suitible legislation applied to them.


How do I complain to the OFT in the Isle of Man?

You should write to them or email so your correspondence is recorded.

For full details, please click the link below:

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Is it worth complaining to the OFT?

Theoretically, yes. It should be.
In reality, we find the complaints do not lead to them taking any action and instead leads to them acting as a mediating party (which only favours Manx Gas).

Sadly, 300 people should be sufficient for a large scale investigation into Manx Gas led by the OFT but it hasn't been.

You should still register your complaint with the OFT but we recommend copying in your local MHK for full transparency.

You can find a full list of MHKs in the Isle of Man here

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Please get in touch if you have any other enquiries, feedback or would just like to let us know of anything that might help others in the Isle of Man deal with issues they may be having with Manx Gas.

If you have a detailed story and would prefer to discuss it over the phone, please leave your number and someone will try and call you back as soon as we can.